It’s a gleefully silly story, but one that’s told with enough heart and humour to remain genuinely entertaining throughout. Kiki isn’t all alone though, thanks to a radio collar allowing for communication with Gary and, more importantly, a conveniently placed mech suit that thankfully doesn’t require opposable thumbs to operate. With Gary unable to free himself from the wreckage, he sends you off to venture beyond the crash site and figure out a way home. In Gato Roboto you take control of Kiki, the pet cat of a pilot named Gary, whose spacecraft has crash landed on an alien planet. Sounds like a sure-fire way to coax me back into one of the most prevalent genres on Nintendo Switch. In comes Gato Roboto then, marketed as a “meowtroidvania” and featuring a feline protagonist in a mech suit. One thing I am a massive fan of however, is cats. Though I’ve fallen in love with the likes of Hollow Knight and Axiom Verge, the honeymoon feeling tends to wear off when the world reveals itself to be dauntingly massive, yet oppressively claustrophobic. I’d like to start this review with a shocking confession: I’m not a massive fan of metroidvanias.