Download bible though he slay me
Download bible though he slay me

download bible though he slay me

When our thoughts flow in the current of God's thoughts when His thoughts become ours-it is blessed in every sense. But till our thoughts are brought into subjection to God's thoughts -our own thoughts utterly set aside-we cannot have blessed and happy thoughts of God. God would have, and will have, the mind and conscience exercised. It is a great matter to have the heart exercised. But when brought to this, our hearts become as simple as the word. So when the conscience is at work, until we are brought to set to our seal that God is true, and learn that all our thoughts perish, all our ways are foolishness, terror and confusion reign in the soul. In partial and dimmer light there is often terror, because everything is confused.

download bible though he slay me

There will be no simplicity till the conscience is purged because, till the soul is brought to God, all is confusion and darkness on account of sin.

download bible though he slay me

In a certain sense it could not be so nor ought it to be so, till our hearts and thoughts are brought into subjection to GOD’S thoughts. If our hearts were as simple as the word of God, our perception of its truths would be as simple and as easy.

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